Crushed Petals


Into that dark

forbidden bazaar

the angered sun

refuses to rise,

The moon fades away


Bossom of mother earth


as the helpless horizon


Those dungeons of Doom

where cunning lust looms

tearing away feminine fragrance

in robe of kindness and cash

Greed and betrayal embrace

Venomous winds lash

sinful desires

suck out blood

with savage lips

squeeze virgin juice

nailing flesh into finger tips

steadily peeling off

the modesty

she fiercely holds

as claws rip her

skinless and cold

like carcass of flooded flesh

The vultures

gnash at warm sinews

Butchers bask

in flesh trade

soaked in the wine

of their sins

Yet drowned in thirst

pluck delicate petals

evoke screams

agony to burst

and crush into fists.

Sagging sacrilege

on marrowless bones

and demonic eyes

tongues lolling

doggy saliva

pour on buds

like acid

scarring every inch of seed

innocence gasps to be saved

writhes in agony with the rape

wails of naked

haunted spirits

quakes ambience in cracks

seeping in the deeps


A mother

A daughter

A sister

A wife

forever silenced weeps……


Bazaar- market




I wanted to write this poem for a long, long time. Ever since i saw a real-life story on Human Trafficking  i knew i HAD to write a poem about it. But it wouldn’t come to me. I didn’t know how to go about it…..wasn’t sure how i wanted it written.

I guess every poem has it’s destiny. It choses it’s own time to get expressed. One day out of the blue, a few flash-images on T.V. reloaded my brain. Somehwere deep inside i felt tears seething to explode in the form of anger. I could imagine vultures, dead bodies, carcass, corpse, crushed petals, fruits bitten and juice bled out…..all these images rushed at lightning speed and i had to immediately put pen to paper.

Not that i had not tried writing this poem before but it turned out into something else….a more generalised agony….That poem, i will publish later insha’Allah!


Here are some of the facts i collected about Human Trafickking from Wikipedia:

1. Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or reproductive slavery or forced labor or a modern-day form of slavery.

2. Trafficking is a lucrative industry. It has been identified as the fastest growing criminal industry in the world.

3. Victims of human trafficking are not permitted to leave upon arrival at their destination. They are held against their will through acts of coercion and forced to work to provide services to the traffickers or others.

4. The work may include anything from bonded or forced labor to commercialised sexual exploitation.

5. The arrangement may be structured as a work contract but with no or low payment or on terms which are highly exploitive. ( Usually the victims are unaware of the nature of work they will be doing).

6. Trafficking of children may include commercial sexual exploitation and forcing the child into prostitution, forced labor services or slavery.

7. It was reported in 2010 that Thailand and Brazil were considered to have the worst child trafficking records.

8. Some documentaries on human trafficking include- “Call+ Response”, “Ghosts”,” The sugar babies” etc.



India is a source, destination and transit country for men, women and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation.

Internal forced labor may constitute India’s biggest problems where people are held in debt bondage and face forced labor working in brick kilns, rice mills and agriculture.

India is also a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation.

If you would like to read more about it, i suggest you go through wikipedia about the laws that have come into effect against it. Then, the documentaries will provide a more realistic view of the problem.

Maybe…where we all are, we can’t do much about this but awareness and spreading awareness is a small step towards solving the problem. It’s said that “The Eyes cannot see what the Mind does not know”. So, if we have knowledge we will be able to smell the danger before it gets the better of us.  LET THE MIND KNOW!